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Staff Pick
Nightfall Travelers: Leave Only Footprints Vol. 1

Nightfall Travelers: Leave Only Footprints Vol. 1

Current price: $15.99
Publication Date: June 7th, 2022
Seven Seas
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Staff Reviews

The setting is the star here: a sprawling, sunset-limned mountainside town which swallows you up thanks to Tomohi's masterful, painterly artwork. Our heroines chase ghost stories up and down these stepped alleys, and discover mundane but beautiful truths. It never crosses into horror, more interested in cultivating a very specific atmosphere: the feeling of walking safe but unfamiliar roads at dusk. Though there are gestures towards a cute romantic arc between the leading girls, and towards stranger developments to come, this is one to read for the vibes. Pick it up when you want to be somewhere far away.

— Graham


Two girls explore their haunted hometown in this beautifully illustrated manga.

High schooler Ninamori Akane is assigned by the newspaper club to report on local places that are rumored to be haunted. She asks the new transfer student, Amemura Fujino, to join her, and together they discover the simple truths behind the spooky stories. Their friendship grows as they explore their town of labyrinthine paths and endless stairways.

About the Author

Tomohi is a talented artist whose series possess a unique look and atmosphere due to a painted aesthetic, and is the creator of the webcomic Bourei Kousha no Inokorihime.